Yo, yo, Im da emporo of
My name is Augustus and this is my home.
Julius Caesar is gone,
And now Im on my own,
Im runnin this town,
And now were shuttin it down.
Cause Im Augustus,
The emporer of
Im doin lots of things,
Cause this is my home.
I gotta stay on top,
So my empire dont flop.
So now were shuttin it down,
Cause were runnin this town.
I used to have allies,
But now all them dead.
I created peace for my empire,
So I can sleep in my bed.
I set up civil service,
For all my brehs.
Im payin workers to run my government.
I got the army, on my side,
So all my enemies, they run and hide.
I stabilized the frontier, made it strong,
Never is it gonna fall.
My ally Mark Antony,
He doubted me.
Try to take over with some egypsies.
I crushed them wit my might,
Did not seem like it was a fight.
They ran and hide,
Him and Cleopatra committed suicide.
I ruled for 41 Years,
And drank some beers,
It was all good times,
All dandy and fun.
But now I gotta go,
Cause I am dead,
But I will be back like 2Pac said.
Кстати: купил вчера очередную бейсболку съдлинным козырьком. Скоро и дома буду ходить въкепке (говорят, М. Эсамбаев принимал ванну въпапахе - и правильно)